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Drive Safely This Holiday Season: Ride With Transportation Plus

December 16, 2019
Couple with gifts getting out of taxi cab

The holidays are a dangerous time for driving — especially in the Minnesota winter. 

In fact, a recent research note from the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that 1,087 people died in vehicle traffic crashes from Christmas to New Year's Day in 2018.

What causes car crashes around the holidays?

  • inclement weather (poor visibility)
  • road conditions (snow, ice, tighter lanes)
  • alcohol or drug use
  • distracted/negligent driving
  • speeding and other reckless driving
  • increased stress

Of course, these factors can lead to crashes almost anytime, but things are escalated during the holiday season. People tend to be more frazzled and stressed than usual around the holidays, and there are also more parties and occasions to imbibe.

Travel safely this holiday season

Using a professional driving service like the Twin Cities' Transportation Plus taxi company will get you where you need to go safely. Whether it's going to and from a New Year's Eve party, delivering family members to and from the airport safe and sound, or doing last second errands on Christmas Eve, we've got you covered!

7 great reasons to use a taxi this holiday season

These are just 7 of the great reasons to choose Transportation Plus for your holiday travel.

  1. Trained drivers accustomed to Minnesota winters
  2. Designated drivers so everyone can enjoy the party
  3. Your vehicle protected from burglary or theft — safe at home
  4. Book ahead feature to ensure you have a ride when you need it
  5. Multiple ways to book your ride and pay for it
  6. NO SURGE PRICES during busy times or inclement weather
  7. Save yourself some stress — don't navigate the traffic yourself

Riding with Transportation Plus

Transportation Plus is the longest-running and most trusted taxi company in Minnesota. We've been serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul area for over 40 years with our taxi lines — Airport Taxi, Yellow Cab, and iHail. We're committed to providing safe, reliable rides with excellent service. 

Book your ride today by calling or texting 612-888-8888, booking online, or using our iHail app!